I am pursuing a career in documentary filmmaking and also work as a freelance videographer, cinematographer and video editor.
As a storyteller, I explore the dynamics between image and imagination, opening up to the infinite number of perspectives and ways in which a story can be told. From within the field of media studies, I research audiovisual and cinematic communication.
I grew up in the Netherlands, mostly surrounded by nature. My part-time upbringing at a small organic farm taught me how to live in alignment with nature’s seasons and cycles. I acquired a holistic philosophy that inspired my first documentary and continuously motivates me to investigate the contemporary relationships between humans and nature.
Education & Curriculum Vitae
Media and Culture
With the wish to learn more about film and storytelling in cultural and political contexts, I decided to do another bachelor in Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam, starting in September 2019. The program offers a broad curriculum in film history, theory and analysis as well as media practices.
Interdisciplinary Arts
In September 2016 I began a bachelors degree at the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Maastricht. The Interdisciplinary Arts program trains international students to become socially engaged artists who are capable of combining disciplines and translating environmental and humanitarian issues in their practice. I graduated in July 2019 with my documentary Farmer Philosophers.
De Schrijversacademie
In September 2014 I started a two-year part-time program at the Dutch Writers Academy. I followed the novels and short stories course and did a specialisation in children’s literature.